This is a list of tasks, forms and systems that you should try to quickly become familiar with during you first fortnight.
Please tick through this checklist as you progress in your first fortnight though this placement.
Once completed, please return it to your clinical supervisor

Use of Computer:     
o Logging in      
o Call Patients       
o Entering consultations      
o How to look at results      
o How to look at ‘Workflow’     
o Looking at appointments      
o Acute Prescribing       
o Repeat Prescribing      
o Immunisation Status      
o QOF        

Appointment System       
Duty Doctor duties       
Triage and Minor Illness clinic      
Arranging Follow Ups       
Sick Notes        
Other Certificates        
Patient Information Leaflets (PILs)       
How to Refer        
Where to Refer        
2 week wait        
Arranging Blood Tests       
Arranging Microbiology       
Arranging X-Rays       
Arranging ECGs/Spirometry/24hr BP      
Paper letters & forms       
Suitability & arrangement of Minor Surgery     
Familiarisation of Practice Area      
Safeguarding Children/Adults      
Liaising with Health Visitors      
Liaising with District Nurses      
Pregnancy Management       
Dealing with emergencies       
Health & Safety: Fire alarms & exits     
Calling for help in consulting rooms