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How informed consent is obtained
Shared decision making with the patient
Listening and responding to patients
Managing risk
Improving quality
Health promotion, self-care and service information
You said, we did

We are safe

Is the practice clean and safe?
We employ a domestic service engineer who cleans the practice every morning before patients arrive.
We carry out Legionella testing.
We carry out health and safety inspections.
We test the fire alarm once per week.
Our team undergo Fire Safety Training once per year.
We review our COSHH practices at least annually.
We displays health and safety at work posters.

Are medicines managed properly?
We utilise online prescription requests, electronic prescribing and repeat dispensing.
We have a dedicated team member trained to review prescription request suitability and process routine requests.
We monitor drugs of misuse and keep these prescriptions separate from other prescription requests.
Our drug cupboard only contains medicines we use onsite regularly.  It is routinely kept locked.
We do not have any controlled drugs on site or in our visit bags.
Our on site medicines are checked regularly to ensure that they are in date.
We have a box of drugs set aside specifically for cases of anaphylaxis.
We keep oxygen on site.
We keep liquid nitrogen on site in an approved container.
Our medicine only fridges are monitored regularly through the day to ensure their temperatures are appropriate.
Blank prescriptions are kept in locked cupboards and locked drawers.

Are those who need safeguarding supported?
Our doctors are trained to safeguarding level 3 and undergo update training annually.
We report safeguarding concerns as they occur and discuss them at our practice meetings.
We have a practice safeguarding meeting once every quarter.
We have live safeguarding protocols for both children and adults.

Is there learning from safety incidents?
We have an easy to use online reporting system on our website for documenting significant events.
We have a formal significant event meeting quarterly where all the team come together to learn.
For urgent significant events, we discuss these ad hoc or at our practice meeting.
We utilise the National Reporting and Learning System where wider learning may be appropriate.

We are effective

Are patients given the right diagnosis and treatment?
It’s not practical to measure the outcome for every treatment and referral but we do take the time to audit our work to ensure that our standards are in line with national recommendations.  In fact, we have developed a large range of protocols for our clinicians to practice from which are derived from national guidance to ensure we are always working in line with best practice. Our database of protocols can be found here.  (It’s password protected).
Our protocols are reviewed at least annually.

Is the care of patients with long term conditions managed well?
Why not let the numbers speak for themselves?   Here’s a link to the national QoF data showing how well we do in treating patients…

Are patients referred appropriately to specialist services?
Patients at the Oakwood Surgery are encouraged to exercise their right of choice of provider, whether that be an NHS provider or private provider.  We currently do not utilise the online appointment booking software Choose and Book as as many of the appointments on the system locally are dummy appointments.  We do not feel that it is appropriate to waste patient time by booking an appointment only to find that it’s not real at a later stage.  Instead, we write directly to the department needed or requested by the patient.

For urgent cancer referrals we use the online choose and book system.  The appointments available for these types or appointments are reliable.

Where possible we try to empower patients to manage their condition themselves and utilise self referral pathways.  We have a page of our website dedicated to this.

Are patients and carers involved in decisions about their care?
Patients and carers are encouraged to exercise their right to choice about the treatment they receive.
We have a patient participation group to help inform us of the choices we make on behalf of our patient population.

Carers are coded as such on out clinical system so that we can easily recognise them.

We are caring

Are patients treated with compassion, dignity and respect?
We have an Oakwood Surgery Book Exchange where patients can donate old books for other to share and read.
Patients who are hard of hearing can email the practice with their enquiries rather than using the telephone to book appointments.
We have a loop induction system for our patient who use hearing aids.
We have a chaperone policy which is available for patients to read and advertised in our waiting room an in all of our consulting rooms.
We invented the concept of the Veteran Friendly Practice.
We are a Dementia Friendly Practice.

We are responsive

Does the practice assess and respond to the needs of the local population, including in relation to access to appointments?
We survey the needs of our patients in many different ways.  
– Virtual patient participation group
– Reviews on Facebook
– Twitter
– Reviews on NHS Choices
– Friends and Family cards in the waiting room
– Friends and Family feedback via our practice website
– Electronic feedback form on our website
We take advantage of the extended hours DES to open late on a Wednesday evening.  Over the years we noticed that patients were not using the doctors appointments that were available in the extended hours, so we changed these to nurse appointments which are now well utilised.

How does the practice respond to patient feedback?
It is important for us to understand when patient feedback shows a need for change.  For us, understanding trends in our patient reviews is key and when trends are identified, we discuss these within the Practice and design new ways of working to respond to the feedback.  We do this most frequently at our weekly Partnership meetings.

Does the practice have a patient group?
Our patients have elected to have a virtual patient participation group.  Instead of meeting face to face our PPG has the facility to email us and we regularly send out questions to our group asking for their thoughts and feedback.
We have a Facebook page, Twitter profile and YouTube channel that allow us to communicate with our patients.
We also have feedback pages on our website.

How are medical records stored and shared with the patient and other services?
Hard copy patient records are kept in locked cabinets within a locked room only accessible to Oakwood team members.
Electronic patient records are kept off site on a cloud based computer System known as SystmOne.
Records are not shared without explicit patient consent.
We are signed up to share data in accordance with patient consent as a part of the Integrated Doncaster Care Record (IDCR).
We also share data in accordance with patient consent as a part of the Summary Care Record.

We are well-led

Is training provided?
All of our staff have an annual appraisal.
We have 4 in house training sessions per year.  
These training sessions include
Fire safety
Information Governance
Our doctors –
– have access to at least 8 out of house training sessions per year know locally as FORUM TARGET.
– are expected to attend a GP Update course at least once every three years.
Our practice pharmacist has a tutorial once per week.

Does the practice have good quality governance?
We have a suite of administrative and clinical policies that guide how we work.  These are available on our password protected website.
We are GDPR complaint and are registered with the ICO.
We regularly review our policies and procedures.
We update our policies and procedures in line with recommendations, changes in statute or following episodes of local, national or internal learning.
We utilise a register of data processes.

Is there a focus on continuous improvement?
All of our doctors are involved in service improvement activities and audit and will complete either one of these at least once per year.
We have a YouTube channel where we show patient education videos.  These videos are made in house according to the needs of our patients.
We have a display in the surgery on which we show our patient education videos and education slides which we change throughout the year depending upon our patient needs.

How does the practice work with other health and adult social care services?
We have enabled access to the Summary Care Record.
We use SystmOne to enable read/write access to the patient care record where explicit consent has been obtained.
We have a data sharing agreement in place with local healthcare partner organisations to enable access to limited version of patient medical records in the our of hours period.  Access to this limited record also requires patient consent at the point of contact.
We hold a bimonthly MDT meeting with a local practice and a consultant geriatrician to review our most vulnerable elderly patients.
We review the care of our patients who are at or near the end of their lives every 3 months in partnership with district nurses and our local community matron.
We hold safeguarding meetings with health visitors.
We regularly meet with our local pharmacy colleagues to discuss issues.